In the Leadership Insights series of interviews (posted on the Trak Search website), I’ve had the pleasure of posing a range of questions to some of our foremost educational leaders. One common trait displayed by them won’t be a surprise to anyone – they are all passionate about their own learning. Each was an avid […]
As a leader, do you use ‘stay interviews’ to gain team insight & commitment?
A large percentage of organisations use exit interviews but how many have stay interviews? Why wait for a top performer to leave you before engaging in a meaningful conversation with them? As a leader, wouldn’t you like to get a deeper insight as to what makes your top performers tick? Dr John Sullivan is a […]
How to develop your career through an informational interview
Every one of us has access to people with far greater levels of experience than we do – people who could provide us with career insights and career development options. There is so much wisdom within our reach just waiting for us to tap into, yet many people seem to prefer the pain of the […]
Mobile marketing strategies for n-f-p
An article written by Julie Szabo in 2013 refers to the skyrocketing use in the US of mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) to surf the net. Local data suggests Australia is not too far behind in this trend. However, many not-for-profit organisations do not have a mobile marketing strategy and therefore are missing out on […]
5 sentence rule for emails benefits you and the recipient
McKinsey and Company released a 2012 survey showing the time spent by an average worker in reading and answering emails was 28% of the work day! In a 2013 article Stephanie Vozza discusses how people can increase the productivity of their emails to claw back some of this wasted time. She reminds us that […]