With countless research studies to support the findings, Carol Dweck shares the power of believing you can improve in this great TED Talk. That children can be empowered with belief through some straight-forward changes makes this very exciting indeed.
This is where Carol highlights the power of “yet”. Giving an example where instead of children getting a fail grade for a project, they got a ‘not yet’ grade. Rather than getting a black or white response tied to achievement, the children could instead see a path into the future.
In turn this leads to development of a growth mindset. One where the phrases, “I love a challenge” or “I was hoping this would be informative” are more common place. As compared to the fixed mindset where children feel up for judgement.
Carol positions this as “The power of yet” versus “The tyranny of now”. Children caught in the present with no eye for growth look for external responses. Examples include:
- Cheating versus studying
- Finding someone worse than themselves – deflecting
- Running from difficulty
Employers are more and more highlighting that current generations struggle to get through a day without a reward. Stuck in the feeling of now as compared to yet.
So what is the pathway to ‘yet’?
Praise Wisely
Praising intelligence and talent has failed. Praising the effort, focus and energy creates more hardy and resilient children. It is about praising the process.
Rewarding Yet
Creating structures that reward effort, strategy and progress. An example provided was around a maths game that gave points for these activities. Very different to the historical yes/no or right/wrong answers for traditional maths problems.
Using The Word ‘Yet’ More
Just doing this increases confidence and provides that provides a path into the future as mentioned earlier. Improving persistence along the way as well.
We’ve seen many schools and Systems who are building these growth mindset classrooms steeped in yet…
Watch the full 10-minute TED talk here to learn more about the power in believing you can improve.
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