Two interesting articles appeared this week which looked at the technology trends which are shaping our future. The first focused upon there here & now, with Greg Satell identifying the ‘trends that will drive the future of technology’ as being:
No-Touch Interfaces
We’re taking a major shift away from the keyboard & mouse as the main interface with technology to a no-touch interface. All that wasted practice the GenX have had on their iPhones….
Native Content
The digital battlefield has moved into the living room, with companies such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Apple now fighting to dominate consumer entertainment.
Massively Online
Online games took off about 10 years ago when instead of competing against your computer, you went up against other people, in real-time. This trend is now rolling out into other areas and an example is the Massively Online Open Courses (MOOC’s) which is creating disruption in higher education.
The Web of Things
Greg says the most pervasive trend is the Web of Things, where most aspects of our lives are becoming increasingly connected, seamlessly.
Consumer Driven Supercomputing
Companies are racing to combine natural language processing with huge cloud-based Big Data systems, which can be accessed from anywhere.
The second article if from John Brandon who writes of the ‘Tech Trends of the Far Future’. But how far off is the far future? He predicts:
Embeddable Electronics
Instead of wearing a chip around the wrist, people will embed the chip directly into their bodies.
Programmable Materials
Many futurists say programmable biology–where materials can self-assemble over time according to specific triggers–is a key trend for the future.
Quantified Society
Big Brother will know everything you do and all your habits and respond accordingly. In one example Stamford University has shown how law enforcement in the future will track how often you break the road rules and then be given a robotic ticket as a repeat offender.
Smart Cars
Cars will become much smarter and will connect into a smart grid.
Wearable Computers
“As we move to the year 2025 and beyond, computing power will get so small and so inexpensive, we’ll approach an era where computing can go into everything around us,” says Brian David Johnson, an Intel futurist. “A table, our clothing, and even our bodies can become computers.”
Predictive Analytics
IT companies and Data Scientists are already helping companies to understand and interpret massive data sets.
Read Greg’s article by clicking here and then go to John’s by clicking here.