In this powerful TED Talk, Magda Szubanski shares some great insights on teaching herself courage. From the backdrop of her family involved in the Polish resistance during World War 2, Magda asked herself the question, “would I have had the courage to do that”.
And that is a common thing that many of us ask. Would I be brave enough to do things others have done? Is it within me? Which leads to the question: is courage something we a born with or can it be learned?
Magda did her own research and shares some of what she learned, but even more from her own experiences of stepping into her challenges.
These teachings include:
- “When the time comes there is no time for reflections, just reflex”
- “Courage is not about a state of being, it’s a way of doing”
- “In the act of doing something brave, you become brave”
- “Courage is not a virtue we are born with, but a habit we acquire. Learn by doing”
Each of these have a common thread in they are about action taking and making something happen. By doing so it builds the confidence to keep going and do more.
Magda became a prominent figure in the LGBTI same sex marriage debate. She noticed 3 things improved for her as she became more involved:
- Her cognitive abilities improved
- Became less afraid and built an immunity to things that would have previously worried her
- The desire and fight for what she believes in grew stronger
Reflecting on her experiences, Magda shares that persistence, willingness and a shift in understanding can become extremely courageous and effective.
And these don’t necessarily need to be on a grand scale. They apply just as much to these circumstances as they do for everyday challenges we face.
Here is the full 15-minute TED Talk with Magda on teaching herself courage which we highly recommend watching:
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