In this inspiring TED Talk, Mithila Palkar encourages us to learn to embrace the randomness of life and the many paths we can take. She highlights that it is okay to not have a plan.
Charting her own journey to becoming an actress, Mithila shares how she had a passion, then things started to fall into place around that. People find comfort in a plan, but the reality is life often doesn’t go according to that plan. There’s so much that is out of any one individual’s control. But what is in your control is giving your best.
Auditions are a classic case in point around this. Rejection after rejection can become quite hard to take. Failure makes it very easy to give up. But turning up each time and giving your best is all you can do. Along the path, through rejections and successes, you are exposed to fantastic learning experiences that helps to open opportunities.
Each experience has the potential to take life in different directions and accordingly change any plans. So why be tied to plans in the first place? It’s perfectly okay to not have a plan.
Mithila believes the answer is in experimenting and doing so fearlessly. To ultimately do what makes you happy.
Watch the full 12-minute TED talk here to embrace the randomness of life and find comfort in not having a pan.
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