Do you have a real opportunity to improve your skills? In this recent TedTalk by Eduardo Briceno, he speaks of two “zones” that we need to be aware of: the Learning Zone and the Performance Zone.
He suggests that many work and school settings are too heavily focused on performance and outcomes. This focus actually hinders improvement and personal growth, which in turn eventually limits performance.
Eduardo encourages people to consciously spend time in both zones:
- You need time in the Learning zone for deliberate practise. This is when risk is encouraged. He also encourages organisations to foster a climate where everything is not always ‘high stakes’.
- You need time in the Performance zone – this is when you execute your job. It is the doing of your work to meet performance expectations.
In recent years Eduardo’s observation is that schools have progressively become ‘performance zones’.
There are three suggestions Eduardo puts forward as a way of getting a balance between the two zones:
- Create some ‘low stakes islands’
- When you execute, add some reflection time to allow for learning and growth
- As a leader, show your vulnerability and share your mistakes with your team.