‘Come and be part of our story’
St Mary Star of the Sea College is a Year 7 – 12 Catholic Girls School (a school of Good Samaritan Education) is characterised by Good Samaritan and Benedictine values. The College is situated in Wollongong, NSW and has played a significant role in the education of women in the Illawarra since 1873.
The Good Samaritan Sisters are women who have had a powerful impact on the direction and spirit of the College. The College today may appear to be a different place with new facilities, new curriculum and fresh new faces but at its heart are the same core values of Love of God, Love of Learning, Hospitality, Stewardship and Peace. Come and be part of our story.
St Mary’s has a student population of over 1,100 girls and a staff of 140.
Good Samaritan Education
While it is an ‘independent’ College with a Board of Directors, St Mary’s benefits from being a member school of Good Samaritan Education (GSE). While each of the ten Colleges of GSE has due autonomy according to its Constitution and exercises its mission within a particular local community, the Colleges also operate in a collaborative manner for the common good of Good Samaritan Education. Learn more about GSE by visiting http://goodsameducation.org.au
Further Information
Additional information, including videos and the 2016-2019 Strategic Plan, can be viewed by visiting https://www.stmarys.nsw.edu.au
Position Overview
Position Title: Principal
Reports to: Board of Directors
The role statement pertains to the position of Principal in each of the ten Australian Good Samaritan Colleges which form part of a network of Catholic schools in the Benedictine tradition in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
Good Samaritan Colleges have the education of young people at the very heart of their mission, and base their approach to this on the Good Samaritan Schools Teaching and Learning Framework, with its focus on quality curriculum and right relationships through effective teaching and learning.
Each College is an incorporated entity in which the role of Principal is integral to its leadership and development. In addition, the Principal contributes actively to the strengthening of the broader Good Samaritan education community.
Position Purpose
The role of the Principal is to give expression to the Good Samaritan Philosophy of Education in an effective Catholic school.
This will require the Principal to engage with creativity and commitment in:
- Leading the learning community;
- Nurturing a faith-filled culture;
- Building a just and caring community;
- Engaging strategically in a futures orientation, based on vision;
- Acting as faithful steward of College resources.
Principals will need to exercise leadership which:
- Draws on the strength of the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition;
- Is directed to the seeking of God;
- Is centred on Jesus Christ and his mission;
- Is committed to partnership and Christian community
- Is committed to participative leadership;
- Is responsive to its cultural context.
These role requirements will be lived out through relationships with key stakeholders in the College community.
A detailed position description will be provided at a later stage of this project.
Initial Priorities
- Learn and develop a deep understanding of the Good Samaritan and Benedictine values as well as the traditions and history of St Mary Star of the Sea College. This will inform change, so as to be ‘future focused’, while preserving College traditions.
- Develop effective relationships with the Board, College staff and the College community; Good Samaritan Education; Good Samaritan Sisters; the Diocese; and the broader Wollongong community.
- Implementation of the current Strategic Plan.
Reason for Vacancy
After 10 years as an outstanding leader, Dr Frank Pitt has resigned from the Principal role, effective from the end of the 2019 school year.
It is anticipated the successful person will be able to commence in this role in January 2020.
St Mary’s College is located at 15 Harbour Street Wollongong, NSW.
Terms and Conditions of Employment
- The details and terms and conditions of appointment are contained in the contract of employment which will be negotiated with the successful candidate.
- The remuneration package will be comparable to that paid to Principals in Good Samaritan Colleges.
- Reasonable relocation assistance (if required) will be negotiated with the successful applicant.
- The Principal will be appointed for an initial contract period of five years.
- Before appointment, an applicant must complete a “Working With Children Check” through the Office of the Children’s Guardian – please visit https://www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au/child-safe-organisations/working-with-children-check.
Selection Criteria
The College Board invites expressions of interest from people able to demonstrate alignment with the following:
- A personal commitment to the teachings and practices of the Catholic Faith;
- The desire and capacity to learn and promote the Good Samaritan Benedictine tradition;
- An understanding of how young women learn; and the pastoral care required to provide an optimal learning environment;
- A career in education incorporating leadership experience in Catholic secondary schools, combined with exposure to wider educational forums and current educational issues;
- A thorough understanding of contemporary education and its interpretation in the Catholic context;
- A highly relational and accessible leadership style with the ability to build cohesive and effective teams;
- Collaborative, consultative, inclusive approach to people, decision-making and change management
- Excellent communication and presentation skills;
- Postgraduate qualifications with a track record of ongoing personal and professional learning.
Are You Interested in this Opportunity?
If you are interested in this role, then simply complete the ‘Express Your Interest’ panel on this page; or email us at jobs@traksearch.com stating your interest and nominating ref number TS1397. Whichever you choose, please provide a brief resume and contact telephone number.
At this stage we do NOT ask you to address the selection criteria or provide an application document – just complete the panel on this page or send a brief email to Trak Search to indicate your interest in ‘St Mary’s Principal TS 1397’; and provide your brief resume and contact telephone number.
Any questions can be directed to either (a) our Director John Chesher by telephone (0417 068 220) or (b) email our office via jobs@traksearch.com. The timeline and details for this project are outlined below. All emails and applications are acknowledged within 48 hours.
The Selection Process
Key dates are as follows:
Date of project launch/advertising | Fri 15th/ Sat 16th March |
Latest anticipated date for applications | Wed 3rd April |
Review meeting & short listing | Week commencing Mon 29 April or 6 May |
Anticipated date for client interviews | Saturday 11th or 18th May |
Final references; academic documents obtained | Following client interviews |
Follow up meeting/discussion | Likely within 7 days of client interviews |
Note the significant time delay from closing date to likely interviews is to ensure that people interested in the role are not inconvenienced due to prior commitments during the term break.
Trak Search has been instructed to provide a process that is welcoming for people interested in this role. Significant aspects include:
- Throughout the process, Trak Search is available for confidential discussions and to provide information to allow you to explore this opportunity and determine your interest in the role.
- A range of additional information will be provided to you as we progress through this process.
- At the outset you will not be required to: complete an application form; provide a lengthy document to address the selection criteria; or supply referee details. However, you will be invited to supply us with additional information (verbally and in writing) as you progress through the process.
- A late application could be accepted, providing it does not adversely impact other applications or the schedule. Please be aware however that any application received after close of business on the date noted above is more likely to be returned to you.
- At the appropriate time we will seek written consent to speak with referees – listing referees on your resume does not signify consent to do so.
- We expect to contact one work-related referee and a faith-related referee prior to shortlisting, with additional references completed later in the process. You should always expect that before reaching the final stage of the project, we will ask to speak with at least one person who has: directly managed you; recently; and for a significant period of time.
- All information provided to Trak Search will be made available prior to shortlisting, in confidence, to the College Chair or her nominee unless you instruct Trak Search otherwise.
You are also encouraged to view our Collection Statement which provides details on the manner in which we collect and use information obtained from you during your engagement with Trak Search.